


Friday, March 26, 2010

A Rest from Work

Well I am just recovering from last week's work-out with Steppingstone, an organisation which helps people suffering from a psychiatric malady. I help out at the Cafe Unit where members can order drinks such as coffee and fruit juice as well as a few things to eat during the day. I serve behind the till taking orders for the different items. I try to do a bit of reading during a morning's work but find this very hard to do as the stream of customers is very steady. On Friday I just went on strike so to speak and got out David Pogue's book on the internet and read that all morning instead of doing my usual shift. Luckily, some other members were around to take the workload and the staff there that morning didn't seem to mind.
I find that I can read while listening to my music from an ipod and can pass a morning quite enjoyably reading computer books in this way. The mozart piano sonatas have a very incisive and trenchant sound to them which has a way of focussing my attention on the printed page. The Mozart piano style generally is one in which the playing is very orderly so reading while listening to mozart isn't much of a problem. This morning I spent a few hours listening to Mozart's piano concerto's. They are a very bright spot in my listening hours and raise my spirits considerably. The bright melodies prepare me for different tasks during my day. But I have lately become interested in the more mysterious tones of the Russian composers particularly the Prokofiev Piano Cocertos as well as the works of Stravinsky, and I will see whether I can acquire any of these from the Itunes Store.
The sound of Daniel Barenboim plaing the different Mozart piano Sonatas is one which I never tire of and the poignant slow movements are very restful and beautiful. Vladimir Ashkenazy's performance of the Mozart piano concertos is very professional but I can find my attention wandering while he plays them.

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